Payment Methods
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I accept the following forms of payment:
- PayPal - You can order lessons via Credit Card or Bank account through one of the most popular money transfer services on the Internet.
- Skrill/Moneybookers - Skrill (formerly Moneybookers) is a global e-commerce business that allows payments to be made through the Internet. Similarly to PayPal, it allows payment via Credit Card and/or Bank account.
- ICC Webstore - Submit payment via Credit Card through one of the biggest chess sites online.
- Western Union - Contact me for my address if you would like to use this form of payment.
- Bank transfer - contact me and I will send you my bank account information.
Please remember, as with any other commercially available service, my fees are due in advance. Note: PayPal e-checks will not be accepted, unless they are submitted at least 7 full days prior to the lesson appointment.